Save The Date for these upcoming Waterloo Events!

To view and download the 2024-2025 HCPSS Calendar, click here and remember to follow us on X here to see updates and pictures!

March 31- NEW: School is open

April 4- End of Quarter 3

April 8- PTA Restaurant Night: The Big Greek Cafe; 5-9pm

April 9- Dress to Impress your Future Self Spirit Day!

April 14-April 21- Spring Break; School is closed

April 22- PTA General meeting; 7pm

April 25- Q3 Report cards issued in Synergy; after 4pm

April 26- Waterloo’s PTA Carnival! 2-6pm

May 7- School closes 3 hours early

May 8- Beginning band/strings concert; 6:30pm

May 9- Field Day! (Rain date: 5/19)

May 15- 5th Grade Simulated Congressional Hearings

May 16- School closes 3 hours early

May 21- Chorus concert; 6pm

May 22- The STEAM Fair; 6pm

May 26- School is closed

May 28- Advanced band/strings concert; 6:30pm